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10 November 2012 @ 6:54 PM
Farewell 2012
Why hello there guise, it's been a long time since I wrote in this blog. My last post was yesterday which I actually was about to write 'bout this thing turns out, time I tengah look through the pictures I jumpa pic lama which 'bout last month? So yea.


So, I nak update 'bout this 2012 school life, the end of it. I guess this year I better dari 2012, 'cause? Shh. Hm, you know life, there are ups and downs in it. I won't cerita 'bout the prob 'cause I tak nak remember the past.   

Hm, weh actually I tak tangan kosong leaving 2 Beta, there are some things still left kept and perhaps ten years from now, I might tengok balik these things. Oh by the way, this is our baju class. I took in 's' size and I rasa it's kinda senteng.

Hm, these things yang I will miss from class & two thousand twelve are; 

the paper plates with birthday budak in it
the sign name on each desk
cikgu hashim yang sangat sporting, suka piat telinga orang
the birdies origami t'was hanging on the fluorescent lamp
my geng waktu rehat, syairah fateen nani
geng k-pop, nisha chia ziqah qidah
my place kat depan nordin and baihaqi and on the centre of class
the cosy class, kelas beta best 'cause terang luas sejuk etc
the photography partner, najwa izzue yang sangat handsome
and maybe next year i turun kelas or some of my friends are, so them i'll be missing
(actually I dah tweet dah some these things before)

Actually I kinda flunked my results on these 2011 and 2012.... Didn't give my best performance, banyak main main, sometimes tidur kat kelas, homeworks banyak tak siap on time and kat rumah tak study sangat. Maynnn jangan contohi saya. Very very teruk. So, this one and a half month holiday I determine nak strive balik, cover up the topics yang I tak master (which is sangat banyak) and InsyaAllah 8A's for my huge examination Imma sit next year. Hm, I think I'm staying on beta next year 'cause I check kat saps dapat 31 out of 300+. I dapat 3A je man, dania, syasakri and ajwad dapat 8A, syasakinah and baihaqi 7A, ahmad 5A and ramai lagi, tak ingat. Peh insecure gila ah satu kelas dengan budak pandai and I paling bawah.

Last but not least, I'm staying on prs next year. Dari pertengahan tahun I kept thinking nak resign and pakai baju putih balik but tak jadi 'cause courage dari cikgu and friends and 'cause oren pun stay so yeah. Btw, 2013 nanti makin ramai prs woot.

Some of the pic that I fancy.. (thank you so much orange, fatinhud & najwa)


@ 4:47 AM

Last siblings outing...
