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11 July 2012 @ 6:36 PM

p/s: kau patut bangga aku buat entry ni special untuk kau.  


10 July 2012 @ 8:41 PM
It's All About Living

It's been a long time since I haven't write. 
I dunno where to start.
So recently I read one of my friends' blog...... and sangat shocked & touched too :'))
I'm so sorry for my all my wrongdoings. 
But I know the _____, well everything mesti ada distraction right. 

So hi people! Lately I'm busy with rumplestiltskin, my daily routine *zzzzz is a must*, and inflakasta  which the drama that I've been set to present on malam kebudayaan in this Minggu Koku, will be held on this friday night. Well not only me, najwa husna, amiruddin, akmal, and other 1 alpha pupils. Lemme tell ya something, our efforts (najwa and me) was worth, 1 alpha was the only hope that we wish to volunteer to perform for our drama.......... and yesh!!!! Alhamdulillah ramai gila budak alpha got interested to join us, cause we ran out of actors. Plus, they're sangat sporting!!!! Bising and senang nak co-operate and best lah.

I have no phone................ semua dah pecah, and all because of angsty. I hope new better phone coming out for me u_u, *smartphone ok or it's dead*. But hey people, aku tak ada phone ada phone sama je, guna untuk alarm and look up phonebook je hukhuk, or dulu if ada samsung tu memang everydayyyy I opened twitter, instagram. 

Okay, I'm clueless, pfft. See ya soon on another entry. Toodles.
