19 May 2012 @ 7:15 PM
Teacher's Day
Hi hi hi, last Wednesday, 16 May 2012, mesti uolz tahu kan hari apa. It's TEACHER'S DAY wewowuwowu. Actually the next day kena tegur dengan English teacher sebab tak salam and thanks teacher. Completely forgot.
I gave a fruit basket to Cikgu Hashim, guru kelas. Eh betul ke fruit basket? Macam cerita anime tu je.
And I kasi a frame to Sir Ong. Letak kat atas meja dia je.
*curi kat najwa punye album*
*curi kat najwa punye album*
Ni persembahan lakonan dari pengawas. Omg noob gila zoom gambar kabur tsk.
Form 2 semua duduk belakang. Ni budak-budak Beta semua tengah giat study untuk esoknya exam, paling ketara Hanani. Aku tak study sebab bising. Actually, ada persembahan dari cikgu math kitorang aka Cikgu Nizar. On that day baru kitorang tahu cikgu ada bakat main gitar. Power.
Nampak tak camera tu? Jelesnyeee tengok Lysha. Zoom dia best. Aku dok rogoi camera depa, lol.
And fyi haritu ramai gila bawa digital camera + dslr. Kalau kumpul satu bakul isi durian tu boleh penuh.
Lailatul comelmel muka barbie.
Don't judge. Ni actually nak buat parody pose of tettt.
Ira Fiqah wrote this on Anis's shoes.
And during recess time kitorang duduk surau sebab malas nak berjemuran tengok cikgu sukaneka kat padang / court.
Study lagi..............
Nani gemuk! Lol ni effect fisheye.
Ateen comel! Muka dia putih merah.
Pastu balik sebenarnya kene duduk dewan terbuka tapi aku, Laila and Teah duduk kat pondok moral like a bawse. Lol sebenarnya seat penuh and kitorang tak nak berdiri so we made a decision duduk kat pondok moral. Makin lama, makin ramai orang and bising, ._.
Ong!!!! Dia macam celebrity dah kat school.
And he's behind meyh! Lol.
p/s : 5 more subjects left. I'm so lazyyyyyyyyy.
Labels: school
06 May 2012 @ 2:41 PM
Some things about me
- When I’m bored to the max. I’d blogwaking. Common people’s blog I visit are Hanis Zalikha, Fatin Suhana (love her outfit), Fatin Liyana, Annatasha Saifol (but she rarely update her tumblr, me iz sad L) and many more. They’re such inspiring persons.
- I’m so awkward with new people. Can’t suit myself. I hate being alone. Imagine you’re all alone in a crowd, no one to talk to. I’ve been through few times on that situation, it was a nightmare!
- I looove to snap pic. I’ve got no talent on photography but I love being vain. Snap up to 50+ pic of the same place, same colour of shirt, but only one will be choosen to be uploaded or I’ll just keep it on my pendrive and bila dah bosan dengan avatar kat twitter, tukarr. :p If I were asked to choose between camera or ipod. I’d choose camera.
- I hate poser so much!!!!! You pretend to like something just because it’s a trend………… ew. I have a friend with this characteristic, shhh can’t tell.
- I love loud pipol, like she kepoh to tell secrets, about her life, about orang sebelah tidur berdengkur, lol. I mean if in a sad mood pun boleh cheer me up with her 24/7 non-stop potpetpotpet. But sometimes menyampah pun ada sebab bising sangat. Like, beragaklah kan.
- I love people with good English like Syaza Nadhirah, Nadiah Ramli, Nazihah Anuar, Alya Rashid and other people I met on Twitter. I love to stalk their tweets/blog and at the same moment I can improve myself.
- I love Big Bang. They produce good songs. Current favourite, Bad Boy and Fantastic Baby. Pernah ada satu lagu tu dengar lagu sampai rasa nak ngangis sebab best sangat, hoih that’s critical.

Below are some pictures of 2008-2012, gambar dua orang, dua orang. Prepare yourself with high speed enternet connection zossss!
- 2008-

[w cousin, dyana. she has grown up into a beautiful girl. ya know macamana I tahu pose gedik dari darjah 4? it was myspace who taught me]



[w yana gemok hiphop, lol]

-tusyen imtiyaz, belakang tu anak teacher-
[Suriya aka Oya. She's so pretty. Fyi, dia ada 8 dimples]

[AG Central, jumpa Hazirah Hana aka Pimon for the first time, selama ni cakap-cakap kat fb je.Can't smile properly sebab ramai orang plus tudung tak betul urgh. Btw, she's very the cutey.]
Labels: myself